/12/15 · So one more time, is Binary Options Trading a Scam? Binary Options trading isn’t a scam, but it’s financial gambling that will only work well in the long term for the most devoted and knowledgeable users. Update: Binary Options Industry Changes. If you read our thoughts from , you know that binary options is legit, but extremely. /08/12 · Binary Options Trading Scam: How It Works. More and more people are sending us emails asking if the binary options trading sector is a scam in itself, as many horror stories have been shared lately on the Internet. Whether it’s about binary options brokers, signals, or winning strategies, watch out for the big and sketchy world of this business. /11/04 · Binary Option Auto Trading Review. For many people, binary options is a blessing, and rightfully so, I mean, it doesn’t have the complexities of Forex trading or the uncertainties associated with the stock markets. The returns are also bigger and faster than other types of trading.4,4/5().
Binary Option Auto Trading Review - Big SCAM That You Should Avoid - Living More Working Less
The returns are also bigger and faster than other types of trading. Surely, why play the lottery when binary options is here? Surest way to become rich, right? And thousands of traders the world over have lost considerable amounts in trades gone bad. Some have even given up on the trade completely, and it is understandable. Automated trading systems gave apprehensive and inexperienced traders a glimmer of hope that enabled is binary options auto trading a scam to venture into the game.
It also gave a new lease of life to experienced traders for whom the wheel of fortune had overturned and were now making loss after loss. The automated systems provide the best signals and execute trades on behalf of the trader as per their preferences and requires absolutely no input from the trader so they can go play some golf and come back only to check their wins, or losses.
Claim Your Free Binary Robot. Must Read The Review! Start Trading Better! Name of Robot Min. Investment Min. Deposit Rating Binary option robot. The reason for this is simple: anyone with knowledge of the market understands that you must spread your risk over as wider area as possible, no matter how good the system, if you put all your eggs in one basket, you run the risk of losing everything.
Thus, as with everything else, you should spread your risk over a number of Binary Option Robots, to maximise potential profit and prevent loss. Each one of the Binary Option Robot suggested in this article, has been rigorously tested, regulated, is binary options auto trading a scam, licenced and approved for the territories listed in the drop-down menu. Your Binary Option Robot will analyse the market and decide, which asset currencies, indices, commodities and stocksis right to trade at that point in time.
Your robot will assess a wide-range of factors, and then make a prediction on how the assets price will move, saying: Call up if it believes the price will rise and Put downif it believes the price will fall. Then you need to decide how much you want to invest in the commodity and when that investment will expire. Now, to the purpose of this article, we are going to have a look at one automated trading system that has largely remained unknown. But is it? Get a binary option robot for free by clicking on the button below.
It would be safe to say the developers, whoever they are, are very disadvantaged in terms of time and will have to work extra hard to get to the level of more established software.
If this is the case, pray it remains that way because, as hundreds of traders can attest, it is not a good experience.
Moving on, the official site is nothing more than a badly thought out, badly put together advertisement for unclear and vague software that is most probably a scam. Below are the features you will find in the software. The first step involves the submitting of personal information such as name, country of residence some countries do not allow binary options and of course a phone number for easy access.
Pretty ordinary stuff. Another red light here — the type of brokers found on the site are not well known and thus are potential scams.
For the rest of us unlucky folks who have had the pleasure of coming across crooks and cons of all kinds, our danger instincts will be working overtime. Now, the quality and reliability of the signals is a deciding factor when shopping for trading software.
Every trader wants a robot that will make all the right trades for him, is binary options auto trading a scam, with little or no margin of error. That is the main reason why people choose is binary options auto trading a scam robots, because they are supposed to trade better than human beings. If that was not the case, everyone would stick to personal direct trading. However, it is within all the limits of fairness to criticize the developers, whoever they may be, for being sneaky and not providing enough details to make any reasonable trader want to sign up.
Unless their intentions were to rip off newbie traders in which case they are on the right track. So, web based software, which is is binary options auto trading a scam doubt the way to go, basically means your PC is safe from malware. To access the site, no signing up yet you just require your phone — a Smartphone mark you, or tablet or PC with a working internet connection, of course. Hopefully you will remember the url address BinaryOptionAutoTrading. How unfair life can be.
Having signed up to an account for free — who hates free things? Blame it on the naivety or newness of the developers or simply an utter lack of creativity which is most likely the case. To be fair, BinaryOptionAutoTrading do have a very nice site with great design and sleek classy layout is binary options auto trading a scam will most certainly catch your attention. The sign-up form is the main feature on the site, accompanied by a tagline that is carefully worded for maximum promotional power.
A marketing strategy lecturer would be very proud and newbies will be totally smitten. For one, there is next to no details on the owners or site creators, the accuracy of signals, jurisdiction or pretty much anything else. A very good one, you have to admit, but a scam nevertheless.
It should actually be referred to as customer service and is the single most important determinant of success in every business unit, and more so in the incredibly murky and unsure waters of binary options. Helping out and reassuring your clients goes a long way in ensuring their loyalty. In some cases, is binary options auto trading a scam, clients will stick with a business with crappy products if the customer service is great.
At a time when other sites are providing a wide range of means of contact including social media platforms and physical addresses, the site gives none of that, is binary options auto trading a scam, not even an email address.
If in the unlikely event you decide to open an account and have an issue or an inquiry, you would like addressed, you can either submit it through the contact form provided or talk to a representative through the live chat feature that is so prominent and keeps popping up that it is even irritating. The live chat feature is slow and unresponsive most of the time, and you will have to be connected to a customer care representative which is definitely not the way you want to spend your precious time.
First, is binary options auto trading a scam, if you plan on having an international clientele, it would be best to diversify the languages available and make the site available in is binary options auto trading a scam many world languages as possible. Next, traders want to be able to choose from several ways to contact you— and any sensible dictionary will tell you, for free, that two is not several.
Maybe try adding a support email and phone numbers, both local and international. Thanks in advance. Yet others have sad tales of how their credit cards were hacked into and money taken from their accounts by unknown people who they rightfully?
As a safety measure, always make sure only the first and last three numbers are visible whenever you are sending photos of your card to anyone. It greatly lowers the chances of your card being hacked. Professional traders and analysts have slightly more reserved opinions, as is common with all professionals, but the underlying theme is common: BinaryOptionAutoTrading. There is of course the benefit of the doubt, in that the software system was only recently introduced and the developers may have limited knowledge of how things work, but then again nobody will want to gamble with his money.
You may be asking yourself how the owner s of the site make money if the software comes for free. Well, one of the avenues of income is the commission received from the brokers when clients sign up through the link on the site.
Another source of income is when traders make losing trades, is binary options auto trading a scam. So now you know why no robot on earth will ever be fully committed to ensuring its clients win, that would be bad for business. As with every single thing in the world, there are both some good and bad aspects of using the robot as explained below. As a polite gesture, the pros come first.
All you need to do is sign up, make a deposit and determine the limits within which to trade and the robot will carry out the rest. Also, there are no complex charts and indicators to learn about as the robot contains all that knowledge for you. This will surely work well with new and less experienced traders as well as expert traders wishing to increase their profit margins while reducing the inconveniences.
This is definitely one is binary options auto trading a scam the big turn offs about the site. Add this to the fact that support is only available in English, and you get a large number of non-English speaking nationalities being locked out.
There is very few details about BinaryOptionAutoTrading which makes it very hard to trust them. The main site is, in itself, nothing more than a grammatically correct ad with no substance whatsoever. Who are the owners? Where are they located? What are their goals or objectives? The robot will obviously not make the kind of choices you would which increases the likelihood of you getting pissed off and breaking a few pieces of furniture.
And hurting your hand in the process! As with every trading robot out there, the owners will have to balance their own interests with those of their traders and brokers and it is never a perfect balance. There is no way of verifying the performance of the software before signing up through third party sites, as is common in forex trading.
That the available information about the software is sparse only makes it worse. In the wake of recent events that triggered public outcry calling for regulation of the robots, one cannot trust the screenshots showing traders winning huge amounts from using the robot.
Better safe than sorry. BinaryOptionAutoTrading shares the personal details you provide when signing up with its affiliated brokers including your phone number and email which is an invasion of privacy and effectively makes you susceptible to spamming from the site itself or the brokers. While BinaryOptionAutoTrading. BinaryOptionAutoTrading is a risky bet as very little is known about it and the developers are not even known in the event you want to take legal action.
Most importantly, there are hundreds of better robots out there which offer much higher quality and returns, is binary options auto trading a scam. Get a binary option robot for free by clicking on the button below! Opteck Review Check out these top rated articles!
He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in investment banking for 24 years. View all posts by Michael Allen. Get the best binary option robot - Option Robot - for free by clicking on the button below. Our exclusive offer: Free demo account! See how profitable the Option Robot is before investing with real money! The best new auto trading software: Automated Binary.
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, time: 3:29Binary Option Auto Trading Review Legit or Scam?

/12/15 · So one more time, is Binary Options Trading a Scam? Binary Options trading isn’t a scam, but it’s financial gambling that will only work well in the long term for the most devoted and knowledgeable users. Update: Binary Options Industry Changes. If you read our thoughts from , you know that binary options is legit, but extremely. Binary options scams are usually companies that claim to be legit brokers or auto trading services but are frauds. Once you deposit the money with such company, you won’t see that money again as it is impossible to make a withdrawal with such brokers. /11/04 · Binary Option Auto Trading Review. For many people, binary options is a blessing, and rightfully so, I mean, it doesn’t have the complexities of Forex trading or the uncertainties associated with the stock markets. The returns are also bigger and faster than other types of trading.4,4/5().
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